How You Do Anything Is How You Do Everything

How you do anything is how you do everything.

I posted one month ago that I am going to be a vegetarian for a month. The reason I write my goals out here is if you say it out loud then you’re committed. I’ll share some thoughts while I did it.

I didn’t miss meat at all. Even now after a month I don’t miss it. About a year a ago I heard a saying “If a decision has been made then choices are easier.” That’s true if you understand the power of a decision. What it means? It means if you make a decision then you don’t even think about distractions – you cut them off. Funny I wrote I might even do it longer if I feel good about it. After a month I feel that I am more energetic and can concentrate better. I challenge you to do the same. Everybody should try it.

How you do anything is how you do everything. I truly believe that. I’ve set myself a new challenge… To do home workout schedule for 90 days and to continue my challenge being a vegetarian for that time. If I finish it then it’s just few days before my birthday. I had a goal few years ago to be in the best shape in my life when I am 27 years old. I am turning 28 so I still have a chance to do it. I also had a goal to make a certain amount of money when I am 27. I have three months to achieve that as well. If I say it out here I am 100% sure I am going to achieve it. The reason I am doing this is because I truly believe “Healthy body, healthy mind spirit”. I am doing it all with my girl. If I finish that challenge then I’ll post first even naked photos online of my progress.

I do it to prove myself that I can achieve anything I want. Doesn’t matter what it is if I set my mind to it – I can do it. I do it to train my focus, dicipline and with all that I have a healthier body and mind. One f my goals is to live until I am at least 100 years old.

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