Why You Should Write Down Your Goals For 2018

When you were born you were given a name. And that name was written down on a piece of paper. Before that multiple names were written on pieces of paper and from that your name was chosen so it’s final.

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”

Things get written down when people are serious about them. The most serious one is your name what was written down when you were born. And it has been written down many times during your life. On your driving licence, passport, student card etc. They do that because that’s how it’s going to be. It’s final! It has been decided.

When you were in school you had to write down all kind of stuff. Stuff you didn’t like and the stuff you liked. After that you knew what things you didn’t like and what things you did like. That’s the reason why you needed to do it. You were in the process of creating yourself. Teachers didn’t say “Go home and think about what we did today and remember everything”. Students had to write it down. So they will remember it.

Now when 2018 is coming closer. You need to start paying attention to your life and write down your goals. You need to take a moment and grab a piece of paper and write everything down.

I’ve done it for years and there have been years when I haven’t hit my goals but in the long run I am overachieving them all. I am accomplishing more and doing more than I imagined 10 years ago. Remember, just keep writing these goals down and you will get there.

Do it now!


How To Keep On Going When You Don’t Know What To Do In Life?

I always think if I should write more on my blog or not. I wanted to publish this post a while ago but I thought it wasn’t good enough. Today I decided to publish it no matter what because I believe it helps some people out there. You are always good enough!

When I was younger I didn’t know what to do with my life but I knew how I wanted to live. Now I am again in the same situation. Just turned 30. I know exactly how I want to live in five or ten years but I don’t know how exactly I am going to achieve it. I’ve discovered something during my 30 years on this planet.

The secret is…

You don’t have to know how exactly you are going to do it, just act towards it and you’ll achieve all the great things you want in life.

I bet many people are reading this and thinking I don’t understand what this guy is talking about, but I know there are some people out there who just need that extra push and belief that it will happen in their lives. And this post is for these people.

When I was younger I always dreamed of living a free life.

What a free life means to me?

It means being able to live where you want, with who you want and doing what you want. Ten years ago it seemed so far away and unreachable but now it’s here. How it happened? I’ll give you a short list:

  • Massive belief in yourself;
  • Ignore the wrong people in your life;
  • Learn from your mistakes;
  • Treat others like you want yourself to be treated;
  • Get around the right people. You only need few with who you can share your ideas;
  • After five years and no success keep believing in yourself! You were not put on this earth to fail. You were put here to succeed! And yes it’s probably taking you five years to get the life you want. It’s not going to happen overnight.

The most important part is to keep on climbing over the obstacles and struggles – getting over the stress, grinding your teeth, years without money, sometimes even hunger… Trust me I know that. Just keep on going and don’t be stupid. Don’t be lonely – share, discuss and talk with other people who do you look up to and want to collaborate.

One last thing what I heard a while ago what really captured me “Your faint can move mountains”

Best of luck with everything!

Listen… This Year You’ll Turn 30

Listen to me better than you have ever done before in your life. You need to do this because it’s important. I am talking about your life! You need to get yourself together. I know you’ve had some victories along the way and maybe you can feel you have accomplished something but be real. You have accomplished nothing. Nothing! That’s where you are. If you really want to do big things then get yourself together and stop playing small. You only have one chance in this life. It’s not computer game where you get more lives. You only have one. So don’t fuck up!

Treat yourself well and accomplish big things so you can enjoy the life you have with your loved ones.

That’s what I said to myself today!

How To Live Unlimited Life?

Unlimited life… what an interesting saying. What does it mean? I guess it has a different meaning for everyone. For me me it means living in a world where you can do whatever you want, wherever you want and with whoever you want. That’s what I call unlimited life.

To live a life like that then first you need to have an unlimited mind. You need to be open and closed at the same time. Forget the rubbish what’s on TV, radio and what they taught you in school. You’ll live life on your own terms! Take advice only from people who are living an unlimited life. Most of the times it even means not taking advice from your friends. You need to trust yourself.

What you need to do with your life?

You need to give full control of your life to yourself! It sounds so ridiculous that it’s even weird to write it. So what it means? It means living life on your own terms. Creating a business, selling door to door, moving overseas or whatever you want to do. I means that you’ll do whatever it takes to live an unlimited life. Yes… you’ll probably end up in debt, frustrated and thinking that your going to lose your mind.

What not to do?

Don’t have a plan where you work until the rest of your life for someone else! Don’t get me wrong… There’s nothing wrong with working for someone else to pay the bills and work on your side project at the same time. My advice… Don’t get a job and end up in debt. When your in a situation like that then you need to be creative and think differently than what the society has taught you. You’ll learn things what you can only learn when you are in that situation.

“You’ll never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.”

The secret is…

Once you get to the point when you have your first wins then you realize that you were living unlimited life all the time. Yes, you didn’t have much money, car or whatever you thought you wanted but you were doing things you really desired and wanted to do. It’s all about the process. Once you trust the process your whole life is going to change.

I’d like to know your thoughts about that. Let me know in the comments.


How To Get Back On Track When You Have Fucked Up In Life

I believe that many of us or it’s even better to say that most of us fuck up in life in our 20s. Life is about making choices and facing your fears. I believe that these two are exactly the same things.

It’s funny… When you are in your early 20s and having trouble then you feel like you have fucked up. At least for me it was like that… Why we get that feeling? I believe that there are many reasons for that.

Most of my friends had secure jobs and money

I had nothing – no money or a job. All I had was a huge debt to carry and monthly payments to make. My friends were taking holidays and buying apartments to settle. There were many times when I said “No I have something else to do. I can’t come.” But honestly I just had no money to go. I am not talking about overseas holiday trip for a week. I mean just a night out. And these times just make you think WTF am I doing with my life at the moment…

Don’t get me wrong. I’ve lived overseas many years in my life but that doesn’t mean I was there on a holiday. I was absolutely nobody trying to make my way in life.

I remember watching youtube videos about mentors. When I watched these videos I visualized that person is sitting just next to me and talking face to face to me.

The biggest thing I’ve learned when I went through hell in my life

“When building a business then time is your biggest friend”

I wish it was as easy as it is to read it. When you’re in a moment when you have to choose if you pay your rent, loan, taxes or buy food then that quote doesn’t really help you much. You are in a shit situation.

At these moments every night I sat in my room with my headphones on and visualized my future and tried to think about positive things.

Eric Thomas says “Some things you just have to out last in your life”

Now I can say it’s 100% true. It’s simple as that. These sayings have made a huge difference in my life. When I am saying that “Time is your biggest friend”. Listen it took me 5 years to get my life in order and find my way out.

So be careful. People don’t realise that if you make one bad decision it can take few years to recover. You make another bad decision and it takes you even more. Be really wise and surround yourself with right people. If you don’t have the right people then be by yourself.

Looking back on all these years and lessons learnt. There’s no better way to learn in life than through massive failures. But you can say that about anything. Wouldn’t it be better to do the right thing right away?

When you’re in shit to your neck then remember to keep your head up.


When you finally get it!

Get what?

Quick thought…

It takes time… Some people get it in their twenties, some in their forties but they all get it in one point of their life. I was lucky and got it quite early. On that point they realize that they have been ashamed, affected and not lived their life fully like they wanted it to be. That’s the reason why most grown ups tell younger people “Yes of course do it and go after it”. Because sadly most of them were afraid to live up to their true potential… You don’t need to tell them that one day you are not young anymore – they know it! Test it today. Ask a person who is at least 40 and not doing much “What he regrets most in his past?”. Most of the times it all comes down to “Not taking enough action because of fear”. But where’s the weird thing…? Most young people think the other way around “Oh I still have time to do all these things and suddenly they realize they are in their 30-s, then 40-s and so on and it all starts over again. It’s the other way around this time. They are now telling young people “Yes of course do it and go after it”. If you know it’s going to be like that anyways then why not to do it right now?

” Mark Twain said once “There is no sadder sight than a young pessimist.” Think about it just for a minute…

What would happen to your life if you would “get it” today?

Thank you for reading and have a great day!


Why To Do What You Want?

This is the day. The first day of my digital life – the day when I start tracking and writing about my life, beliefs and point of views. I hope you get some value of it. Why I do this? I used to think that there’s not much of a writer in me. And they say you get what you’re thinking about. Looks like that worked out well. But I have a dream to write a book one day. So I better get started. Like they say if you want something to get started or going – then just begin and I totally agree with that. You don’t have to know 100% how to do it. You’ll figure it out!

That got me here where I am today.

I am writing my first blog post from my kitchen table in the beautiful city of Los Angeles. I am living in Hollywood – right in the middle of everything. Just went outside on my balcony and overlooked the view – on the left I can see the Hollywood sign and on the right I can see the view of downtown. Weather is good, people are good, opportunities and life around me with people who are full of enthusiasm and achievement. What a great place to be! I really like to watch photos of beautiful places, houses etc and just to dream that ONE DAY is that day when I have it all. Used to do that a lot back home when it was raining outside, temperature was around 0 degrees and I had no money. But still had a dream… Some people say it can’t be done!?

I go for a run almost everyday on the streets of Hollywood and seeing these beautiful places and houses in Hollywood Hills. Back home maybe some people couldn’t understand and believe it because they have never seen it – but here I am seeing it everyday. It’s a different story. I watched a seminar few days ago where I heard a funny saying…

“They might be laughing and not believe you when you say that you are going to build a multi million dollar business from your kitchen table without no money” Bob Proctor

I had to make a decision a month ago. We came here with few friends and business partners to get our business started here. One of the best guys decided even not to come right before the trip. He was the reason why I made a decision to come here at all. He gave me the idea and planted the seed in my head. During the trip two other guys said they’re going back home as well because they got visa only for a month. Some people call it signs that you should not do it. I call it giving up. Then I started thinking… What am I going to do now? Am I going back home like everybody else or am I going after (like most people call it) “the impossible”?

I have a sweet, beautiful girlfriend back home who’s dream is to come to Los Angeles and live here. She is the reason I stayed here. She’s my battery, fuel and energy what keeps me going most of the times. Every time when I have hard time or have to make a decision about something then I don’t go for a easy way out. I imagine her smile while we’re doing all these great things around the world what we have imagined. For this time I imagined her stepping out of the airport in Los Angeles with a big smile in her face. That was enough for me. I decided to stay! Even if I didn’t know how I am going to make it here with no contacts or anything. But it doesn’t matter because what I want to achieve doesn’t care about who I know or do I have contacts or not!

Why to do what you REALLY want…? Because you deserve it. Just decide! I think every person should run for greatness and for a life he’s dreaming. Only thing holding you back is YOU! Once you understand it and get it – then make a decision and things start to happen.

Thanks for reading my first post,

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