Listen… This Year You’ll Turn 30

Listen to me better than you have ever done before in your life. You need to do this because it’s important. I am talking about your life! You need to get yourself together. I know you’ve had some victories along the way and maybe you can feel you have accomplished something but be real. You have accomplished nothing. Nothing! That’s where you are. If you really want to do big things then get yourself together and stop playing small. You only have one chance in this life. It’s not computer game where you get more lives. You only have one. So don’t fuck up!

Treat yourself well and accomplish big things so you can enjoy the life you have with your loved ones.

That’s what I said to myself today!

Why To Do What You Want?

This is the day. The first day of my digital life – the day when I start tracking and writing about my life, beliefs and point of views. I hope you get some value of it. Why I do this? I used to think that there’s not much of a writer in me. And they say you get what you’re thinking about. Looks like that worked out well. But I have a dream to write a book one day. So I better get started. Like they say if you want something to get started or going – then just begin and I totally agree with that. You don’t have to know 100% how to do it. You’ll figure it out!

That got me here where I am today.

I am writing my first blog post from my kitchen table in the beautiful city of Los Angeles. I am living in Hollywood – right in the middle of everything. Just went outside on my balcony and overlooked the view – on the left I can see the Hollywood sign and on the right I can see the view of downtown. Weather is good, people are good, opportunities and life around me with people who are full of enthusiasm and achievement. What a great place to be! I really like to watch photos of beautiful places, houses etc and just to dream that ONE DAY is that day when I have it all. Used to do that a lot back home when it was raining outside, temperature was around 0 degrees and I had no money. But still had a dream… Some people say it can’t be done!?

I go for a run almost everyday on the streets of Hollywood and seeing these beautiful places and houses in Hollywood Hills. Back home maybe some people couldn’t understand and believe it because they have never seen it – but here I am seeing it everyday. It’s a different story. I watched a seminar few days ago where I heard a funny saying…

“They might be laughing and not believe you when you say that you are going to build a multi million dollar business from your kitchen table without no money” Bob Proctor

I had to make a decision a month ago. We came here with few friends and business partners to get our business started here. One of the best guys decided even not to come right before the trip. He was the reason why I made a decision to come here at all. He gave me the idea and planted the seed in my head. During the trip two other guys said they’re going back home as well because they got visa only for a month. Some people call it signs that you should not do it. I call it giving up. Then I started thinking… What am I going to do now? Am I going back home like everybody else or am I going after (like most people call it) “the impossible”?

I have a sweet, beautiful girlfriend back home who’s dream is to come to Los Angeles and live here. She is the reason I stayed here. She’s my battery, fuel and energy what keeps me going most of the times. Every time when I have hard time or have to make a decision about something then I don’t go for a easy way out. I imagine her smile while we’re doing all these great things around the world what we have imagined. For this time I imagined her stepping out of the airport in Los Angeles with a big smile in her face. That was enough for me. I decided to stay! Even if I didn’t know how I am going to make it here with no contacts or anything. But it doesn’t matter because what I want to achieve doesn’t care about who I know or do I have contacts or not!

Why to do what you REALLY want…? Because you deserve it. Just decide! I think every person should run for greatness and for a life he’s dreaming. Only thing holding you back is YOU! Once you understand it and get it – then make a decision and things start to happen.

Thanks for reading my first post,

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